Course Content

What you will learn 


The course  SEKHMET REIKI is written by Geehan Rakan, which we will take some base. Her course covers the basics about Egyptian philosophy about existents and energywork and I will add some other content besides her course. 

As an introduction you will also get a short description about Usui Reiki which is the traditional form av Reiki, originated from Japan. Today there are hundreds (?) different forms and linages av Reiki, quite variating interpretations and scholars, and it seams to be used as name for any kind of energy work that works with the life force energy, from very different origins. Although energy work itself can be described as ancient and was used by many different cultures, non of the now circulating forms of Reiki, with the name Reiki, is older than a couple of hundred years, most are much younger.

You do not need any prior knowledge about reiki or energywork.

The content of the course:

Part One

"Know the energy"

The 5 elements

The 4 planes of existence

The Neter Sekhmet

Meditations and exercises

The symbols

Practical methods

Part Two

"Know thyself"

The nine parts of the soul

Meditations and exercises

The symbols

Practical methods

Part Three


Simple human anatomy (chakras, endocrine system, meridians, etc.)

The ancient egyptian tree of life

The ancient egyptian chakra system

Meditations and exercises

The symbols

Practical Methods (attunement and reiki applications)

Plus additional egyptian reiki symbols and information carried together by myself from other courses and expieriences.

© SOMA Anna Gottwald

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