For me the online course is just a small part of this training and gathering. The coming together of the group first online and than later in person, to work together, share experiences and maybe create connections that last longer than the training in different fields of our work are actually more important. Than I am also convinced that the gathering is meant to be and I am so excited about the ceremony we will have on the retreat.
While getting into this later, the online course is more of a starting point for the theme and opening for discussions and a preparation for the physical meeting. It clears some basics about Egyptian philosophies and energy work. But honestly lets keep in mind that the time span we are talking about goes over a couple of thousand years, that beliefs and rites changed over time, where partly regional, that written text always are subjective or belong to certain groups and that there are so many different scholars and interpretations of the found relicts and fact, that none can say clearly what is the truth or that an ultimate truth existed.
The most mysteriously questions will remain open questions. Talking a bit more about different linages of Reiki in the 'course content section', the linage Sekhmet Reiki and the belonging online course is completely induced by Gihan Rak and can be found on Udemy. It is surely a passion project of her but besides the above named problems with that time and information of it, it is her interpretation and she is no Egyptologist and a lot of questions remain, especially the reference to different times and places, but it is as mentioned all very complex. Not to disrespect her work, it is really one of the better courses there and she really has put some love and work into it. Including basics of personal personal energy 'hygiene' and work with others, but I would normally really do not give out master certificates that easy without any practical experiences.
I also do not expect all participants here to want to work with Reiki as a practitioner or teacher, but I can recommend Reiki as a perfect tool to clean and rise your own vibration.
And also is this training not meant for blind believers, people that do not look for more informations on topics maybe even controversial sides, people that can not create their own opinion or lack the capacity to selectively agree and disagree with parts of others opinions. The topic ancient Egypt is fascinating but also a rabbit hole in a negativ sense.
Like said before this project is based on visions/memories that came to me during the last years, actually it started the night after my first Reiki attunement, though there was connection to Egypt.
First I got really unsure what to do with it and thought that I should best never speak about it, because others would probably judge me, call me crazy, an imposter and other things.
But after there came more and more pictures of that time, in different sessions I got into a transcendental state, I could not really let it slide.
Though it still fragmented for me, the short summary of the whole is:
It was a very peace full and kind of glorious time. There was a sisterhood of priestesses and we were doing important energy work in a very playful, creative and joyful way, embodying divine frequencies, that gained the whole society and was honored and respected by the people.
But doe to a change of times or cycle, twist in the leading family and changes in the
reigning power structure, which led to a tragical death and the inevitable stopp of our work. There was a deep sorrow shadowing the society, lot of tears were shed, not just of the best friend and protector, who blamed him self for failing in his mission, some were forced into hiding to keep their lives.
But besides the stress and drama that occurred than, there was peace to be found in the knowing that this ending was not meant to be forever and that the work and manifestation of the frequency will have a new time again.
That time is now and therefore I am organizing this, to bring us together again, to continue the work we did in this important age.
Maybe you have, maybe you do not have any recalling of that time, but if this training is meant for you, you will know it and get a clear reaction of resonance in any possible form.
Right now we are quite many here working with raising the frequency of the planet from different origins and with different ways to do so, If you identify with that and feel a clear calling to support us in our work you are welcome, too.
Although I expect that most of the participants to be female, this is not exclusively for souls in female bodies. Maybe you this time to chose a male body as vehicle or have a male body but identify as divine female or and hopefully there are some representatives of the divine maskuline collective that want to join our work to heal their own inner feminine for themselves and the collective or just honor and contribute from their standing point. However you identify, we always have both inside of us, but mostly identify stronger with one side unrelated to the physical body and through balancing both sides we help the collective to do the same.
You are absolutely not expected to be or work as a "classical" healer or shaman. Most of the work of a light worker is internal and how you spread your core frequency, inspire others and follow your mission here can have a lot of different faces.
Maybe you create music, some for of art, work with children or some other for of community work, work and care for plants a more modern form is content creator,... It does not really matter what you are doing and how you reach people as long as you do the work and free yourself from limiting programming and trauma and heighten your own frequency as much as possible. Most of us work also for the collective and on that plane, you own internal work will always have an impact and benefit the collective. So some of us do not even have to reach many people, their mission is just to excist.
Sekhmet is an old Egyptian goddess with both creative and destructive forces.
She is the fierce goddess of war, protector of Ra but is also the goddess of magic, medicine and healing.
Even a mother goddess in the old kingdom as first born daughter of Ra and became later during the New Kingdom (18th-19th dynasty) together with Ra and Nefertum the mephitic triad.
She is depicted with a lion head, often even with Uraeus and the sun-disk and an Ankh in her hand.
She has many hundreds different names like 'the mighty one', 'eye of Ra' and 'lover and protector of Maat' (Maat : divine order of the universe).
She is often assosiated with Thefnut, Hathor, Basket, Mut and in some writings even Isis who in other scripts is her daughter.
It is a bit unclear were the lion goddess originally come from, cause lions were not often in those region, but also that Flintstone, is the stone dedicated to her, lets you guess that she probably is an much older hunting and war goddess. The usage and importance of flintstone goes far beyond the existence of our today species (homo sapiens), back to our ancestors in the Paleolithic time.
Besides her creative, fertile and nurturing side, represented by the Ankh in her hand she also has the destroying side that sometimes even is described as vengeful or bloodthirsty. But being also the protector of the Pharaohs, the question is, if highlighting this aspect is one of the first attempts to control people with fear, or if some of the stories about her are there to explain the danger of uncontrolled wrath.
She is anyhow a complex character representation the light and dark side of the feminine. The dark side of the feminine which later, especially during the rising of the roman catholic church got repressed, incapacitated and even thought and taught to be demonic is nothing negative and a natural part of existence but also not to be misunderstood and made equal with unhealthy femininity.
Like the night belongs to the day, death and destruction is a normal and important part of live. From the biological point of view, death of one life not only makes physical space for other life but even fertilizes the grows of new life. Also would there be no evolution at all if there would be not a circle of dna being created/born, procreation and death.
We as lightworkers going through continuous ego death during our lives and not just 1 or 2 like other people, know the importance of the transformation, the destruction of limiting beliefs, trauma and letting go of older versions, shedding skin to be "born anew" to a freer and stronger version of ourselves.
But not just that, back to Sekhmet, who is 'the lover and protector of Maat' and was created as the protector of Ra, in other words the protector of the universal order and the light, the truth itself, is a perfect representant of healthy anger, which we will focus most on from her dark side. The anger that uprises from unfairness and small minded perceptions, the truth and light that can cut you like a sword and strip you of any illusion one tries to cling on to, not to destroy you but to free you, for your own and others good.
Also being part of the mephitic triad, she later represents that part, which in other religions and philosophies is known as Athena, the holy spirit, Sofia or Chokmah.
Anyhow, we will not create a cult around a personified outside god or entity, but view and connect to an inside aspect of ourselves, that cause it is part of creation automatically a part of everyone.
This part or aspect and the divine feminine itself, (but is also not the only part of creation with the same history) has been, in most parts of the world, represt, misinterpreted, disrespected, smeared, threatened and even tried to extinguished, for no other reasons than fear and control.
Though there was also a need for a time of more male aspects like logic compared to intuition ( which are again not bound or reserved to a gender, we all have both) to achieve some progress and improvement in some fields; But sadly, probably
doe to the wrong intentions in the beginning, like control and repression, the total reign of the patriarchy totally unbalanced society and our relation to earth and creation itself, and even if there has been some movement and progress for balance, the societal programmings still existing, has left sickness and scars for all sides. These conscious and more often unconscious beliefs and self beliefs still lead to harming and self harming behavior patterns against ourselves, each other and the rest of creation.
Our intention is not to go backwards, take revenge, to hate or disrespect one of the opposite but also complimentary sides but to balance both, in ourselves and the collective, because both sides are equal and play necessary parts.
In my eyes, the key to do that is trough love, light (being conscious), truth and compassion; To forgive, for not caring the wait of the past, and to strive for a better future.
I absolutely do not mean you should excuse certain behaviors, befriend, hang around or 'break bread' with individuals that seriously have or do harm you or that it is your mission to save individuals that does not want to grow.
The act of love, light ,truth and compassion has to be always applied to yourself first, that is our own responsibility and if one can not do that for oneself, one will always attract others will who will mirror our not existing self love, our unawareness, our illusions and non-compassion back at us.
I also hope their is not need to say that you should cut out individuals after every mistake, hurtful action, misunderstanding or disagreement, sometimes it will take some time to heal, which is fine but we should also always cut others some slack, we are all human and nobodies perfect, always try to understand both sides and how you yourself contributed to the situation or conflict, not to take the only 'blame' but to do better next time, for your own sake and others. If the other individual cares for you, they will do the same and try to meet you, if the other person is not willing to do so, you should probably reflect on what deep rooted belief you have in yourself to deserve to be around individuals that treat you that way. Use your discernment! If you are gifted with a good understand and the fast thinking try your logic, but otherwise you will always get a direct answer from your heart or even your body. You do not always have to logically understand why something feels off, wrong or right.
Kind of getting a bit off track from the course here, I will leave the last passage, so that you can built a better judgement if my view on things and the intention for our work resonates with you or not.
© SOMA Anna Gottwald
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